The Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML) is a multi-stakeholder partnership that brings together all actors working to prevent plastic pollution and marine litter. By providing a unique global platform to share knowledge and experience, partners can collaborate to create and advance solutions to this pressing global issue. The GPML was launched at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012 in response to a request set out in the Manila Declaration on Furthering the Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (now called Source-to-Sea Pollution Free Unit). The partnership is led by a Steering Committee and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provides secretariat services. |
Our mission is to protect the global environment, human well-being and animal welfare by addressing the global problem of plastic pollution and marine litter by:
Providing a platform for cooperation and coordination; sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences; identifying gaps and emerging issues. |
Harnessing the expertise, resources and enthusiasm of all stakeholders. |
Making a significant contribution to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, in particular SDG 14.1 (By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, particularly from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution). |
Serve as a global platform or mechanism for all stakeholders working on the issue of plastic pollution and marine litter, and to stimulate and maintain the momentum of action on that issue.
Cooperation between governments, intergovernmental organizations, regional bodies, the private sector, civil society and academia.
Raise awareness of plastic pollution and marine litter, engage new stakeholders and stimulate action.
Contribute, as appropriate, to plastic pollution and marine litter action plans.
Communicate information and provide guidance, based on the best available scientific knowledge and in accordance with the precautionary approach.
Prevent and reduce losses of plastics, including discarding and unintentional leakage into the oceans, through improved design, application of the reduction, reuse and recycling (3Rs) principle, promotion of closed-loop systems and more circular production cycles, and maximizing resource efficiency and minimizing waste generation, from source to sea and throughout the life cycle of plastics.
Support implementation of relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, including Resolution 70/1 (in which the General Assembly adopted the outcome document of the United Nations Summit for the Adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”), resolutions of the United Nation Environment Assembly on, or relevant to, marine litter, plastic pollution and microplastics, and other relevant international resolutions and decisions.
Support the implementation of legal, policy, institutional and other relevant frameworks that may contribute to the success of international initiatives aimed at preventing and reducing marine litter and plastic pollution, including microplastics.
The GPML Steering Committee
The Steering Committee sets priorities for the strategic direction of GPML, including its further development, its relationship with other initiatives, its priorities and structure; identifies activities for GPML through annual work plans and evaluates its progress in that regard; and promotes GPML action and initiatives and its benefits as a multi-stakeholder partnership.
Permanent seats in the Steering Committee are granted to: | Non-permanent seats for three-year renewable terms are granted to: |
GESAMP - Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization |
Brazil - Ministry of Environment, University of Sao Paolo Germany - Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Sri Lanka - Marine and Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) Canada - Environment and Climate Change Seychelles - Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change |
Regional Nodes
Regional Nodes provide key coordination functions and are composed of different bodies to support the implementation of Action Plans in their region, which are tailored to address their specific environmental challenges. The participation of regional bodies is considered essential for the successful implementation of the GPML’s mandate on a regional basis.
Read the Terms of Reference for Regional Nodes here.
The common objectives and functions of GPML Regional Nodes.
To support the development and/or implementation of regional, sub-regional, or national action plans on marine litter and other relevant regional frameworks.
To create and support an effective multi-stakeholder regional network of relevant actors to facilitate cooperation appropriate to the regional context and address identified or emerging needs. This includes promoting interaction between stakeholders within the framework of the participatory approach, as well as information exchange and knowledge sharing at regional level.
Promote the development and implementation of the GPML’s activities and objectives at the regional level.
Support knowledge management at the regional level to address regional data, science, and capacity gaps and needs, collate and share policy and science approaches and lessons learned, knowledge products, research from the region, tools and training opportunities.
Support existing regional networks to engage more actors to address plastic pollution and marine litter.
Find out more about the Regional Nodes below: