technical resource

Gear marking pilot study in Indonesian small-scale gillnet fisheries with reference to FAO's draft Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear

technical resource

Sea-Based Sources of Marine Litter. GESAMP Working Group 43.

technical resource

Operationalization of FAO Voluntary Guidelines for the Marking of Fishing Gear in the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) area of competence. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1261.

technical resource

Voluntary Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear – Manual for the marking of fishing gear. Suppl. 2.

technical resource

Voluntary Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear – A framework for conducting a risk assessment for a system on the marking of fishing gear. Suppl 1.

action plan

Sénégal - Plan d'Action National (PAN) de lutte contre les Engines de Pêche Abandonnés, Perdus ou Rejetés (EPAPR) en mer

action plan

Senegal - National Action Plan to Combat Abandoned, Lost and Discarded fishing gear, lost or discarded at sea (ALDFG)

technical resource

Report of the 2019 FAO/GGGI Regional Workshops on Best Practices to prevent and reduce Abandoned, Lost and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear

technical resource

Voluntary Guidelines on the Marking of Fishing Gear / Directives volontaires sur le marquage des engins de pêche / Directrices voluntarias sobre el marcado de las artes de pesca

technical resource

Guidance Document on Development of National Action Plan on Sea-Based Marine Plastic Litter

technical resource

Guidance Document on the Country Status Assessment on Sea-Based Marine Plastic Litter

technical resource

Guidance Document on Conducting Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies for the Establishment of Port Reception Facilities for Plastic Waste

technical resource

Guidance Document on Developing a Port Waste Management Plan

technical resource

Tecnologías y prácticas de reciclaje de artes de pesca

technical resource

Fishing gear recycling technologies and practices

technical resource

Informe sobre buenas prácticas para prevenir y reducir la basura plástica marina procedente de las actividades pesqueras

technical resource

Rapport sur les bonnes pratiques pour prévenir et réduire les déchets plastiques marins provenant des activités de pêche

technical resource

Report on good practices to prevent and reduce marine plastic litter from fishing activities

technical resource

Notificación y recuperación de aparejos de pesca perdidos: Recomendaciones para desarrollar programas eficaces

technical resource

Déclaration et récupération des engins de pêche perdus: recommandations pour l'élaboration de programmes efficaces