Case Study

Integrated Solid Waste Management Good Practices to Prevent Plastic Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas Region: Untia, Makassar, Indonesia - Women Empowerment - COBSEA Case Study Series

Case Study

Integrated Solid Waste Management Good Practices to Prevent Plastic Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas Region: Untia, Makassar, Indonesia - Community-based Waste Management - COBSEA Case Study Series

Case Study

Integrated Solid Waste Management Good Practices to Prevent Plastic Marine Litter in the East Asian Seas Region: Mersing Islands, Malaysia -Community-based Waste Management - COBSEA Case Study Series

Case Study

SeaNet Indonesia: Combatting ghost gear in the East Asian Seas case study series

Case Study

Net Free Seas Thailand: Combatting ghost gear in the East Asian Seas case study series

Case Study

Compilation of information, best practices and lessons learned on measures taken by key stakeholders to prevent and reduce single use plastic waste and packaging waste

Case Study

Proven Practice Guide to Improve Waste Management and Address Plastic Pollution in South-East Asia

Case Study

Luxury resorts chain: Assessing plastic value chain towards plastic-free operations

Case Study

Community groups in Panama: Tackling plastic pollution in rivers using a basin-wide approach to inspire change

Case Study

Empower: Using blockchain technology to trace recycled plastics and fund clean-up activities

Case Study

Plastic Collective: Ecosystem business model for small communities and a renewed sense of value inherent in plastic

Case Study

The Arctic Marine Litter Project: knowing the sources to work on solutions

Case Study

Seychelles: The costs of removing the unsanctioned import of marine plastic litter to small island states

Case Study

The World's Ocean Litter Model: A global Model for Monitoring Marine Litter

Case Study

Kenya: Integrating Value chain in Sustainable Solid Waste management in Kwale and Mombasa Counties

Case Study

Aviral Ganga: Rethinking plastic waste in the cities of Rishikesh and Haridwar

Case Study

Closing the Loop: Creating new circular recycling businesses and supporting vulnerable communities

Case Study

Tuvalu: Reviewing the implementation status of the national waste management policy framework

Case Study

Lebanon: Sorting at source and incentivising recycling with Reverse Vending Machines

Case Study

The Courtauld Commitment: Bringing industry together to tackle food packaging waste