
Reducing Marine Litter by Addressing the Management of the Plastic Value Chain in Southeast Asia (SEA circular)

From Aug 2018 to Dec 2024


The SEA circular project, titled "Reducing marine litter by addressing the management of the plastic value chain in South-East Asia," is a strategic partnership between UNEP and the Government of Sweden (Sida). This initiative targets marine plastic pollution by ensuring less plastic enters general solid waste streams, particularly where waste management systems are weak. Implemented by UNEP and the Secretariat of COBSEA, the project promotes market-based solutions, enabling policies, and increased awareness among consumers and the private sector to curb plastic pollution in Southeast Asia. The project leverages COBSEA mechanism for a regionally harmonized approach to tackle the transboundary movement of marine litter contributing to the objectives of RAPMALI.


Market-Based Solutions: Promote circularity and plastic neutrality through business roundtables, industry norms, and partnerships, with pilot sites in Malaysia focusing on reducing plastic waste. Scientific Basis for Decision-Making: Strengthen marine litter monitoring and research to inform evidence-based policy planning, identifying pollution hotspots and bridging knowledge gaps. Widespread Outreach: Raise awareness of marine litter and plastic solutions, promoting behavior change and supporting global campaigns like Clean Seas through education and outreach. Regional Networking: Facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration via COBSEA and SEA of Solutions, supporting national planning and leveraging synergies with ASEAN’s marine debris action framework.

Expected Outcomes

  • Outcome Indicator 1: Number of Southeast Asia countries have adopted or revised national marine litter policies, regulations or equivalent to prevent or reduce plastic pollution in line with COBSEA RAP MALI. 
  • Outcome Indicator 2: Number of SEA countries have implemented policy measures to reduce plastic pollution and promote circularity in the plastic value chain, in accordance with relevant multilateral environmental agreements and international agreements, including the international negotiations on plastics.
  • Outcome Indicator 3: Amount of plastic waste collection by Producer Responsibility Organization (PROs) in Southeast Asia region increased through efforts aimed at collection and recycling
  • Outcome Indicator 4: Increase in the percentage of consumers having indicated to stop buying products with non-recyclable packaging.

Key Highlights

  • Awareness and Best Practices: Showcased exemplary plastic circularity practices, raising awareness and catalyzing EPR, plastic credits, and reuse schemes.
  • Regional Frameworks and Policy Influence: Supported frameworks like ASEAN's Marine Debris Action Plan, influencing SEA countries to tackle marine plastic pollution.
  • Capacity Building: Trained over 14,000 stakeholders, enabling companies in Malaysia and Thailand to reduce plastic footprints.
  • Regional Collaboration: Facilitated networking and collaborations through regional events and SEA of Solutions to harmonize market-based solutions.
  • Marine Litter Monitoring: Strengthened marine litter monitoring efforts through COBSEA’s guidance and expert working groups.
  • Knowledge Products and Technical Support: Developed key resources like the marine litter research database and provided technical assistance to support national action plans, including Malaysia’s 2021-2030 Marine Litter Policy.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Launched impactful campaigns like '100 Days to #BeatPlasticPollution,' reaching over 37 million people.
  • Sea Circular Videos