Capacity development to catalyze actions and commitments at the national and global level to reduce plastic pollution including in the marine environment, (CDA-PP)
This Capacity development to catalyze actions and commitments at the national and global level to reduce plastic pollution including in the marine environment, (CDA-PP) project aims to support countries to undertake enabling activities to successfully address plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, through the development and implementation of policy, legal and collaborative frameworks, the strengthening of institutional frameworks, and strategic planning, such as through the development of a national source inventory and national roadmaps/strategies/plans on plastic pollution and marine litter.
The project has 3 components:
Support the development of national source inventories of plastics throughout their lifecycle and action plans, strategies, or roadmaps to address and reduce plastic pollution.
Provide capacity development support through technical sessions, webinars, and workshops at national and regional level, on subjects relevant to Component A.
Improve knowledge management and sharing of data, information, best practices and lessons learned, including through the GPML Digital Platform
Expected Outcomes
- The development of a national source inventory and national roadmaps/strategies/plans on plastic pollution and marine litter by the participating countries.
Key Highlights
- Global Coordination meetings As of December 2024, four global coordination in-person meetings/workshops led by UNEP for government focal points have been organized to support project countries with the implementation of the CDA-PP project. The Coordination meetings have been held in Paris, Nairobi, Ottawa and Busan.
- Needs Assessment conduction: As part of Component 2 on Capacity Development, a Needs Assessment was conducted in late 2023 to determine the technical subjects and topics of interest for project countries, where capacity gaps were most felt, as identified by the countries themselves.
- National technical sessions A series of Online Technical Sessions to support national stakeholders by providing substantive briefings on technical subjects of relevance to the project’s activities. Online Technical Sessions will cover topics identified in the Capacity Needs Assessment survey conducted in 2023-2024 and will feature indepth briefings by subject matter experts, as well as opportunities for discussion.