technical resource

Reducing Marine Plastic Pollution from Land-based Sources: Strategies to Reduce Single-Use Plastics

technical resource

Single-use plastics products

technical resource

Single-Use Plastics

technical resource

Plastics in Agriculture: Sources and Impacts - Working Paper

technical resource

Sea of Solutions 2021 - “Accelerating solutions to reduce plastic waste”

technical resource

Notificación y recuperación de aparejos de pesca perdidos: Recomendaciones para desarrollar programas eficaces

technical resource

Déclaration et récupération des engins de pêche perdus: recommandations pour l'élaboration de programmes efficaces

technical resource

Reporting and retrieval of lost fishing gear: recommendations for developing effective programs


Reducing Marine Litter by Addressing the Management of the Plastic Value Chain in Southeast Asia (SEA circular)

data catalog

Global Plastic Watch (GPW)


The Norwegian Environmental Agency's initiatives on marine litter

technical resource

Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols

technical resource

Obligations of States Parties under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Complementary Instruments (2004)


The Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations


Decree-Law No. 26/2012 establishing the Environmental Basic Legislation.


Article 124 of the Law of 8 August 2016 for the Reconquest of the Biodiversity, the Nature and the Landscapes

action plan

New Zealand - National Plastics Action Plan for Aotearoa

technical resource

Presentations from the 2017 NOWPAP ICC and Joint NOWPAP-TEMM Marine Litter Management Workshop

technical resource

NOWPAP ICC and Joint NOWPAP-TEMM Marine Litter Management Workshop (2019)

technical resource

Presentations from the 2018 NOWPAP ICC and Joint NOWPAP-TEMM Marine Litter Management Workshop